Thanks for all the info you put out for We the People and for all of your time and patience. You were really nice to me when I was new before Jack threw us all off. It has been a long road and might be longer still, but it's patriots like you that our Founding Fathers would be proud of.
‘Watch the water’. I don’t think Butlersville & Bakersville were random choices for Trump’s Fake assassination attempt where Vincent Fusca was revealed ( the 25 anniversary of JFKjn’s fake plane crash), nor Bakersville for the Punch n Judy show that followed when he re-iterated Fusca’s presence by getting the crowd (a clone) to point him out. He is pointing to Genesis 40;20 & the trials of Joesph as his own, but also I believe pointing to the famine to come, as per the final words on the last vid you did, ‘Now comes the pain.’
Thanks for all the info you put out for We the People and for all of your time and patience. You were really nice to me when I was new before Jack threw us all off. It has been a long road and might be longer still, but it's patriots like you that our Founding Fathers would be proud of.
I’m just glad God wins!! 🫡
Thank you for all the work you do, diligently and with compassion.
Do you know what they mean in Q538 by: [LV]?
I think Q means Las Vegas
‘Watch the water’. I don’t think Butlersville & Bakersville were random choices for Trump’s Fake assassination attempt where Vincent Fusca was revealed ( the 25 anniversary of JFKjn’s fake plane crash), nor Bakersville for the Punch n Judy show that followed when he re-iterated Fusca’s presence by getting the crowd (a clone) to point him out. He is pointing to Genesis 40;20 & the trials of Joesph as his own, but also I believe pointing to the famine to come, as per the final words on the last vid you did, ‘Now comes the pain.’
Thank you for all that you do!