Sep 12Liked by Stormy Patriot Joe

Stormy - I watched the entire show last night. EXCELLENT!!! You presented a lot of very important information. Plus, you guys are so much fun to watch!! Love you both!

However, there is a very important part that most people who delve into with this miss ….and that’s the airline/flight crew aspect. As a F/A for 45 years with one of the involved airlines, and there were some of us who had the eyes to see that the narrative we were given did not ring true.

My point is, please check out Rebekah Roth’s books and website: behindthegalleycurtain.com. She had an over 30 year career as a flight attendant with a major airline and she started digging into all this about 10 years ago and has just a wealth of knowledge. I got to know Rebekah about six years ago and she is unbelievable in her research. I believe she’s totally figured it out. Her books are filled with the truth she found but disguised as fiction.

This aspect is the missing piece of the puzzle and I think you guys will be blown away by what she found out .

Again, love your show love you guys and thanks for all you do

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ThankQ, I've heard her before. I'll look again.

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Wow, thanks Kathryn - I am currently reading book #4 in Rebekah Roth's series! I had the first three and read them quite a few years ago. I decided to get the other two and start back at the beginning. I am blown away by all the evidence. It is even stronger now, after the last 7 1/2 years, seeing what was done to try to stop President Trump, Covid, etc. Looking forward to reading a few more chapters later tonight!

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I just listened to an interview with her today on a podcast. I think she is spot on. She has a really great analysis of what happened.

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Donna, could you give us a link to that podcast? I'd love to hear it!

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I would love to know what that podcast was so I could listen

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I cannot agree more with Kathryn’s comments. I also know Rebekah Roth and I also was in the airline industry. I knew that day, on 9/11, that something was seriously wrong with the reporting. I started off in reservations for Continental and IN A MILLION YEARS would a flight attendant call into reservations and talk to an agent about being hijacked. I highly recommend RR’s books. Here’s where you can order them: https://ktysmedia.square.site/ They are also available on Amazon at a higher price.

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Thanks for sharing Rebekah's book with us. I'm not new to realizing it was an inside job. The last few years since the big stolen election has opened my eyes wide open. I always said our freedom was taken from us that day. I understand more all the time that is goes much farther back.

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Thank you! I just purchased her series at the link you provided

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Just tried to look at the book website, firefox won't open it. Searched just title of book, doesn't come up. scubbed off due to the truth, I expect!

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I got the last two books of the series from Amazon just recently. Pretty sure they have all of them.

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Sep 12Liked by Stormy Patriot Joe

I have friend who lost his son on 9/11. He was firefighter however when I told him about the video posted on X about the explosion. He snap at me saying it was plans. Those ppl don’t know what they’re talking about. There’s nothing like losing a child. No matter how old they are. I didn’t go back in forth with him, however I remember those video on tv when I was teenager watching. Then at remember the reports of building 7 is coming down and made no sense. Thank you for your work.

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Yes emotions cloud judgement. And there's no emotion greater than losing a child.

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Sep 12Liked by Stormy Patriot Joe

You are on point. So enjoy this info you provide

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God Bless you Pam!

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I always believed the story of 9/11 until I went down the Rabbit hole in 2018. Then I found out about building 7 which I never heard of. When I saw the perfect collapse in it's own footprint, I immediately knew the truth. I am an engineer. God help us save this country. These people are EVIL.

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Sep 12Liked by Stormy Patriot Joe

The show on Tuesday was fantastic i listened to the entire episode and replayed parts. This Substack is a pithy synopsis that will be good to share with people as they begin waking up. Thank you!!

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Sep 12Liked by Stormy Patriot Joe

There is an interesting post by a Canadian prophet that was posted on 9/11/24. His name is Barry Wunsch. He goes by The Canadian Hammer on Facebook, X, and Telegram. He was shown in a dream/vision the sinister plot of 9-11 orchestrated by G W Bush / CIA and its connection to the Masons and the Queen of England.

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Cannot wait for the 9.11 DECLAS.

And before he's "dispatched to his eternal reward" perhaps #Dubya tells the truth LIVESTREAMED TO THE WORLD.


Transparency and Prosecution is the only way forward to save our Republic and safeguard such criminal and treasonous acts from occurring again.

While some want to quietly remove those responsible and go about our business (save face on the World Stage), those in control, understand, this band-aid will simply not work.

Nobody should be above the law (no matter how massive the spider-web is (entangled)).

This will never happen again.




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Here is the first hand account of Fire Chief Ruddie Dent from that day. https://rumble.com/v1jghm1-ruddie-dent-ny-fire-chief-exposes-twin-towers-as-false-flag.html Which I would also like to point out was very close to the day prophesied by Nostradamous when in the month of 'Sept from heaven would come a great king of terror/alarm/warning. He will bring back to life the great king of Israel. Before warning after war reigns in good time. (Christ from the tribe of Joseph/Ephrahim) And for those of you who do not know, that relates to America, the true Israel! Another proof that Trump is Messiah ben David as he was the first to call foul & from then stood up to fight!

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I totally agree Margot …… it seemed to be far-fetched 7 1/2 years ago but not anymore. I will add this to it as well and I’m sure you read this in the books but yes, none of the hijack protocol that we are trying to do took place that day. The other thing is… there is no way phone calls could have been made from the planes. Airphones had been deactivated on American Airlines planes so they said the calls were from people’s cell phones. I do international flying now and I still try it to this day with an iPhone14 Pro Max, to get a signal and it never happens before 1800-1500 ft from touchdown.

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Has President Trump said anything about a new real investigation, or releasing truth about this, when he is, Lord willing, back in the White House? I'm sure he knows everything. It blows my mind that to this day, they are still telling all the lies and people mindlessly accept it.

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What do you make of the fact that the cameraman who filmed Bush on 9/11 is the same as the Trump "Fight, Fight, Fight" photo? It's a little disconcerting but perhaps that is just my current mindset.

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Not to be alarmed.

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Sandra - they should be in Amazon… just surprising that they still have them available but then you can get Bill Cooper‘s book on Kindle so I guess it’s all fair in love and war. Or try her website: behindthegalleycurtain.com

And I know you can buy them from there. She’ll even autographed them for you if you’d like.

If you are really interested, I would suggest going to that website and under the drop-down menu. I think it says more about 911 and she did some audio shows about three years ago and went through each one of her books and explained it pretty well and I believe that part is free.

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Absolutely, when one looks at the facts like the owner and many others who would have been there that morning, what was in building 7, a new purchase of the most easily recognized buildings in the world, then extremely unusual insurance against a terror attack was purchased.

Did the owner have dual Israeli/US citizenship?

There were ‘workers’ in the buildings for days prior to the ‘demolition’ and the buildings came straight down? Look at any earthquake damage in a city…NO building drops in its tracks. I’ve watched planned demolition of a skyscraper elsewhere. The way the towers dropped were the same…

When the people find out the truth….

God bless you, Story Patriot Joe!🙏

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Another perspective is from Dr. Judy Wood who wrote “Where did the towers go?”. You may still be able to find her lectures on youtube. She is an engineering expert and called out the use of a directed energy weapon, long before Maui.

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Stormy, I am studying 9/11 for years. This is total fire content. Everyone gotta subscribe this content is so lit.

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Yep. They lied. IMHO BUSH administration planned entire event. I pray ALL truths be REVEALED publicly and accountability take place. GITMO for treason, lies & deaths.

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I think it goes back farther, to the Clintons at least.

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Thank you so much for compiling this information!

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